Unlockables: You Can Find Me In The Tub

Am I the only one who stops in his tracks for men in tubs? While I’m not really a bubble bath type of guy, there’s something incredibly erotic about pictures of this nature. You don’t often see these sort of shots on Manhunt, so it’s an interesting way to make your profile stand out from the rest of the crowd.

However, you don’t have to be covered in soapy bubbles. A good shower pic can do the trick, as demonstrated here by the incredibly gorgeous Nick Ayler. As long as you’re looking wet and sexy, it should get the point across. And you’ll prove to your potential partners that you have decent hygiene!

But how do you acquire such a shot without getting your camera wet? This would be an excellent time to employ the buddy system, though you can always experiment with your camera’s continuous shooting mode. Whatever you do, avoid the risk of dropping your camera in the water. Although the resulting images might be ultra sexy, it’s not worth ruining your electronic equipment.

– Dewitt

Photo credit: Bad Puppy

To check out Brock Richmond rocking his bubbles, follow the JUMP:

22 thoughts on “Unlockables: You Can Find Me In The Tub

  1. I would soap him up any day – I love his body, cock and definitely his sweet face – would love to looking up at that face while sucking his cock

  2. just so you people know, his tatto says:
    from right to lef = love, please, faith
    not sure about the middle word since it doesn’t make that much sense, but yeah.

  3. I too am a fan of men in bubble baths. The thought of a hot man’s man taking a bubble bath and relaxing in the perfumy goodness is very sexy to me. The first shot in this series exemplifies that sexy time duality. I do not, however, like the wet soapy dog look of the rest of the shoot, and I don’t like it when people put up shower pics in their profiles. I think it’s so staged and theatrical. “Put more soap on your nipples!” I start thinking about camera angles, lighting, and craft services instead of the yummy hunk of man in front of me. Granted there are exceptions to every rule – especially when it comes to what can turn me on – but I stand by my usual dislike of staged wet pics.
    The End

  4. is that tattoo the (gay or male or douche) version of vajazzeling?

    as someone who has a word/text tattoo I’d say, use the same rule as when cutting boards (measure twice, cut once):

    spell check twice, tattoo once…

  5. Who the fuck cares what the tat “says”…to me it reads “suck n fuck me”…he is cute, boyish, n a total fucking boi cunt hottie

  6. Geez.. Here we go again with “boi cunt”… We are men. Men do NOT have cunts! Are some of you bent on trying to make both sexes the same? Well… Guess what.. It isn’t going to happen, no matter how hard you try. There will always be men (Thank God) and there will always be women (Thank God). And they will always have different parts. Just sayin’.


  7. I am not really a bubble bath type of guy however this guy has me drooling over that milky white ass and it’s very enticing pink center and the thought of milk being poured down the spine of his back and over those gorgeous mounds with milk clogging up N the center requiring emergency DEEP DICKING ACTION !!

  8. i don’t really have anything to say about nick, or the matter of using bubble bath pix for one’s personals profile; instead, i just wanted to note the play on words that was in this post’s title.


    nice touch, there, D.

  9. Offfffffff yaaa! (which is what Turks say when they see something worth jizzing the pants over). Delightful face, tat, everything. Wy wy wy wy wy….

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