I Don’t Understand Why Andrew Christian Didn’t Invite My Penis To Their Glow-In-The-Dark Make Out Party.

It has recently come to my attention that underwear brand Andrew Christian threw a glow-in-the-dark make out party, and they neglected to send an invitation to my penis. This doesn’t make any sense! Manhunt sponsored this aforementioned party, and you would think they’d want to have […]

Straight Guys Are Gay: The Homoerotic Heteros of “Whoa, Dude!”

My favorite tall person with a beard, Jonny McGovern, promised he’d fuck me for a good post about “Whoa, Dude!“, his new web-series that brings together the “funniest intentionally and unintentionally homoerotic clips created by your fave local frat boys, skaters military men, jocks and […]