Random Question: Who’s The Sexiest U.S. President?

Nobody actually knows how to celebrate Presidents’ Day, so why don’t we just engage in a friendly conversation about the sexiest U.S. Presidents? We’re too lazy to post pictures of every single one of them, but you can check out a handy ranking (compiled last year) with images on Nerve.com.

Or maybe you’re a huge dork who’s already thought about this, and you don’t need a list to tell you who’s the sexiest U.S. President. That’s cool too. Dorks are hot.

– Dewitt

PS: It was surprisingly difficult to find a “sexy Abe Lincoln” pic.

Photo via: Go Make Me A Sandwich

201 thoughts on “Random Question: Who’s The Sexiest U.S. President?

  1. Top 3 in reverse order!!
    3) Barack Obama – black & hung??
    2) J.F.K. – handsome!!
    1) George Bush, Jr ( in his younger days ) – dishy & in uniform!!

  2. clinton obviously… obama is gross, george w bush was too retarded to be considered our species, his dad was vile, ronnie was old and alzheimered, the peanut guy was too old, and JFK had a squished head… before the bullet, yeah only clinton was ever remotely fuckable…

  3.  Alzheimered? Really? I hope you never have to have the wretched disease enter your life, but have some consideration for those who have it in theirs or those who surround them. Shame on you! It’s not something you should ever joke about. Ever.

  4. Frankie Pierce, because 99% of you never knew we had a possibly gay vice president under him (so was Pierce a top then? lol), and Buchanan was pretty universally accepted as being gay (he was Pres right before the Civil War).

  5. Obama is as ugly as dog shit.
    JFK & GW Bush (younger days) were totally hot.
    A young Reagan was hot, too.

    Why you people think Obama and his ugly ass ears are hot is beyond me…

  6. James Buchanan, our 15th President, was rumored to be gay and in a long term relationship with our 13th Vice President William Rufus King.  While neither of them were what we would consider by today’s standards to be sexy, they were both quite good looking for their time. 

    Franklin Pierce, our 14th President, whom King served under, is by historical accounts the most attractive president in history.

    In my personal opinion, the best looking president was Kennedy by far.

  7. George Bush is like 90, how can you even think of him like that LOL.  Acutally, yes, much hotter than his idiot son George W.

  8. Wow, get over it, flame thrower.  The guy was being procovative.  You might say inconsiderate or even insensisitve, but then again being sensisitive all the time means we’d have to take all the humor and light-heartedness out of being facetious and facing world.  One can’t easily be facetious and sensitive at the same time.  I agree bush is gross II

  9. oops  – i wrote that wrong – obama is gross and the W is retarded.  actually his dad was not vile at all – but rick santorum is!!!  and clinton – no way!  big nose.  and i don’t like blonds.

  10. William Henry Harrison is cute.  All the others look like my father or my grandmother (sorry George Washington, but it’s true) or other older relatives, so no way!  Actually, JFK was certainly the most handsome, but just not my type.

  11. bullshit, u can joke about anything. and i did. 

    my bfs dad died of it and he jokes about it too. if u cant laugh about the shit that life is to all of us, then its time to die, dont u think???

  12. Zeus It is obvious by your comments that you  are just F**KING  STUPID  warrant further remarks on my part !!

  13. Bobby Kennedy would have been the hottest president if he hadn’t been killed. How different the world might be now…

  14. im actually a genius… YOU on the other hand have no sense of humour, which makes u worthless as a human – poor you, your life must suck

  15. Seems like you wanna say something else? Why can’t someone say who they find attractive without the name calling? No man is attractive to everyone. 

  16. You are a dumbass, def one of the ones on here that can take any conversation and turn it into something hateful. Please shut up! 

  17. Zeus you may be one of the funniest & smartest people in the world however it’s just so unfortunate that your IGNORANCE is denying world the opportunity 2 see that !!! 

  18. It’s okay Blackjack. One day Zeus will find himself riddled with some disease, whether it be cancer, HIV, a form of dementia, or terminal assholeness (it’s pretty obvious he has it already). I wonder then if he’ll find it funny when he’s the focus of stares, ridicule, and ostracism. I pray that there’s people out there who wouldn’t be as big of a jackass as he.

  19. Lincoln.  He was into wrestling, shirtless, seat dripping off his chest and chest-hairs and trying to pin a guy down (how gay is that?), and some historians have hypothesized that he was either gay or bisexual. 

  20. Me I hope Zeus is just trying 2 stir up controversy and he is truly is not as IGNORANT as he lead us 2 believe at least I hope he is not because if he is he is more 2 be PETTY than scold !!! 

  21. 1. Bill Clinton. The man’s a silver fox who can play the sax and can do naughty things with a cigar… glad to see a couple of you agree
    2. JFK… just had a timeless look to him
    3. Obama. That smile is just killer. It makes me wanna grab him by those large ass ears, straddle him, and scream “Oh Barry, Oh Barry, Oh Barry.” lmao, kidding. Though seriously, I wouldn’t kick him outta bed 😛

    If we could pick the ones who were hot long before they became president, I’d say Ronald Regan and George W. Bush as well.

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