Quickie: The Coppini Twins

Check out these pics of model brothers Lucas and Luis Coppini. I heard that “UNF”!

We recognize that incest is a societal taboo and normally banned because mixing up similar DNA is icky and it can result in children with flippers. That being said – if YOU are hot and your twin brother looks almost EXACTLY LIKE YOU and you’re both gay, aren’t you tempted to fuck yourself at least once? Wouldn’t it be sorta like parallel universe inside-out masturbation? It would be ok, right?


Moving right along. The Coppinis are sought-after male models, and Lucas has stomped the runway for such labels as Givenchy. Which one is he? Beats me. Hell, Luis could have told the Givenchy bitches he was Lucas and gone to work for him if Lucas was too hungover to show up that day. Funny twin games! Funny twin games featuring brothers with lean bods who look amazing in speedos.

Check out more individual pics of Lucas and Luis after these dual shots by photographer Cristiano Madureira which first appeared in Made In Brazil magazine.

Seriously, that twincest paragraph was just some gay blog musing. No one call anyone.






Lucas Coppini

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Luis Coppini


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156 thoughts on “Quickie: The Coppini Twins

  1. I’ve always fantasized about having a twin to fuck around with. I think bedding a duplicate of yourself would be so hot. I’ve had sex with identical twin brothers and they say it’s an incredible experience. Being the filling in a twin sandwich was one of the highlights of my sexual experience. It ranks right up there in my top 10.

  2. I am an identical twin, and I am not sure why all the fuss about having twins sexually together. I couldnt or wouldnt have sex with my brother. We have dated some of the same guys, but never had sex with each other…I guess our moral compasses stopped us from doing it together…If I met a set of twins that were active together, I wouldnt be attracted to them at all…I think when you have sex with a sibling, you cross boundaries, that you cant come back from….

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