Please Dance That Hot, Hairy Body Right Onto My Penis.

Ever since a college hook-up where I attempted and failed to take a friend’s virginity, my dick has kind of had a major thing for male dancers (although I’ve had very little opportunities to take advantage of this thing). In my experience, they tend to have very tight, solid musculature below the waist, and much as I adore a jiggly butt, there’s something to be said for a man who could break your fingers between his powerful cheeks.

Admittedly, I have no idea if Manhunt member bdancer08 has an ass like that since I haven’t ever stuck my fingers inside of him. Also, he might not be so inclined to let me do such things, considering he lists himself as a versatile top on his profile… But, um, he’s a professional dancer! He’s probably flexible, agile and able to fuck you in some pretty interesting positions.

– Dewitt

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