How To Get Laid Without Even Trying: The Search For The Perfect Sexy Swimsuit

“But what do I wear?!?!” This is a question that even the least fashionably conscious man has asked himself at some point in his life. It doesn’t matter if you’re gay, straight, bisexual or in an exclusive relationship with one of these sex toys. When something feels like an “event”, you want to put your best foot forward and show up in something that turns heads… But most of all? You want to get laid.

It occurred to me while preparing for a pool party hosted by Manhunt that I don’t own a single cute bathing suit. Believe it or not, I’m not the type of guy who can confidently rock a skimpy Andrew Christian swimsuit with my bulge hanging out everywhere. My taste (and comfort level) leans towards something a little more modest, yet short enough to show off my legs. Also, it can’t be boring! There has to be something about it that makes me smile.


I had seriously considered buying kitty trunks or puppy briefs from Pretty Snake, but once again, I wasn’t sure I could sport them with the right amount of confidence to pull them off (and have someone want to pull them off me later that evening). Then, while sending potential options back and forth with a friend, he brought Slick It Up into the conversation.

Initially, all I could think about was David Mason dressed as a unicorn, along with the brand’s wilder fetish styles. How would that translate to swimwear? And, well, the answer is that Slick It Up puts just as much fun into going to the pool as climbing down into a dark sex dungeon. There were a few suits in their line that I could actually see myself wearing, and if I ever happen to do Namor cosplay, it’s one-hundred percent clear that I’ll need to get my hands on the Reflective Neptune Suit.

My mind isn’t made up just yet! I’ve heard good things, in general, about the quality of Slick It Up‘s products, so that’s definitely pushing me into the “must buy now” category. There’s just so much other stuff to consider… Like, which of these swimsuits will get me laid?

– Dewitt

Click any picture below to see more of each style:










If you like these, be sure to check out what else SLICK IT UP has to offer.



16 thoughts on “How To Get Laid Without Even Trying: The Search For The Perfect Sexy Swimsuit

  1. u no, we r all not gym rats and yes we like to stare, gauck, drewl @ them but I really do not like most of the models and pics your used here. There r many, many guys that are average that you could have incorporated into this article and made the presentation that much more interesting. Average guys in these types of suits r hotter as far as I am concerned.

  2. Rite on! These models have hot bods, so whatever they wear is kind of “background.” A more average guy, can enhance his sex-appeal with appropriately flattering swimwear. The sexy attire will get more stares for an average body that would otherwise miss notice.

  3. To be honest Dewitt, with your body in any of these swimsuits I’m sure you’d have no problem getting people lining up to rip said swimsuits right off you 😉

  4. These perfectly sculpted bodies get noticed even if the swimsuit is not notice-worthy. The right sexy swimsuit can draw notice and flatter a guy to seem higher on the hot scale. I’m an example nobody notices, thought to be just another skinny old fart. But heads turn, and envious compliments come from even younger strangers who see me in speedos for lap-swimming. Common remark: “Hope I’m fit as you when I’m your age!” A form-showing, simple jammer can work better than a skimpy bikini, to up the sexy look.

  5. I was just thinking the same. I can look at these bodies & simultaneously be turned on by them, and disgusted with myself. I’m 5’10”, 205lbs, pale, hairy, scarred. We face the same body image problem that women do. Sucks.

  6. Outstanding fit bodies arouse lust on sight. Some of these super studs are so into themselves, their ego turns off that initial lust. I was recently stunned by a handicapped guy, complete with oxygen tube in his nose. His winsome, outgoing and sexy attitude quickly made me forget his visual flaws. We shared the most satisfying sex I’ve ever experienced bar none! This man is a great talent at erotic touch/stimulation. Eager and able to delight others, and easily pleased. HOW REFRESHING! Sexual proficiency is achieved by more than a guy’s appearance. Use what you do have & B confident. Enough rude people put others down, without anyone needing to bash themselves.

  7. blue stripy shorts n the black shorts next to eachother hot clothes…..other then that the guys are hot but them swimmers are horrible lol

  8. Slick It Up has HOT models, and very sexy leather-look, body suits, fetish and novelty wear. Their swim wear is not up to the same caliber–it’s their weakest department. Prevail Sport & Skinzwear both have awesome, HOT sexy swim wear–the best I’ve seen (and am regular customer 4 their gr8 collections.)

  9. All I got to say is, “Teacher Teacher I declare I see someones underwear!’, comes to mind when I look at the pictures. That is really dating myself as far as saying goes but all those “SWIMSUITS” could easily pass for underwear instead not swimwear.

  10. One of the guys is actually Vasa Nestorovic. He did some gay porn for Lucas Entertainment.

  11. A “sexy” swimsuit should clearly display the “banana” that’s in the suit. These pics lack this display. Dinky dicks, just dipped in icy cold water, or suits not properly designed and tailored ? ? ? Swimsuits – yes. “Sexy” – NO!

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