Hot or Not?: iPhone Mirror Photos

IPhone Mirror Photos  

iPhones may be one of the best inventions in the history of cell phones, and you really can't deny their arrival took the "mirror photo" genre to an entirely new level. But we have to ask–was it for better or for worse?

In order to execute an extensive investigation on this matter, we grabbed some photos of Apple-loving exhibitionists from Your input is appreciated and will allow us to come to a comprehensive conclusion.

– Dewitt

For more (NSFW) photos of guys with iPhones, follow the JUMP:

iPhone Mirror Photos
iPhone Mirror Photos
iPhone Mirror Photos
iPhone Mirror Photos
iPhone Mirror Photos
iPhone Mirror Photos
iPhone Mirror Photos
iPhone Mirror Photos
iPhone Mirror Photos
iPhone Mirror Photos
iPhone Mirror Photos
iPhone Mirror Photos
iPhone Mirror Photos
iPhone Mirror Photos

26 thoughts on “Hot or Not?: iPhone Mirror Photos

  1. I think mirror pics are fine, so long as you clean the toothpaste off the mirror first. grins.

  2. Ha, i agree with Eric, or in my boyfriends case, the puss from his pimples! GROSS I KNOW!
    Oh well, i still love him!
    But yeh, back to the topic at hand, these photos are all hot….yes, some mirror photos are not, but in this case they are all hot

  3. Nothing wrong with a mirror pic. And it’s not the iPhone that makes the pic. 😉 Some mirror pics are crappy though cause the person uses a crappy camera or bad lighting but these look good.

  4. David, did you actually LOOK at the photos? Yes, most of the guys in them are hot, and some are downright phenomenal, endowment-wise, but WHY, oh WHY do these guys not check out the image, then LOOK forward rather than at their i Phone when they snap the shot? That just makes a really hot man look really dorky, and a really dorky one look, well- let’s just say that out of 17 photos, there are really only 5 that the person presents well and doesn’t look like he is trying to look in 2 places at once (#7, 11, 13, 14, and 15). Why not just get someone to take the pics, for goodness’ sake? the guys in #3, and #10 are VERY nicely equipped, if only they were looking forward. The one in #7 is the best one, I think- he has that “Yeah, I’d do him!” look on his face.
    Oh, and David, just so you know- that ooze from pimples is PUS, not to be confused with PUSS, a term for a cat or a certain part of a woman’s anatomy (EWWWW), or a face. And I hope your bf is the forgiving typoe!

  5. type, not typoe- sheesh! it;’s bad when the spell-checker spells wrong and doesn’t catch the little red line under the word!

  6. oh yes- and what is with the guy taking a pic in a gym locker room (#6)?? he is very hot, but that idea is so NOT cool! Unless of course he knows for sure that there is NOBODY else there because he is staff and they are closing up for the day, in which case I want to be a member of that gym!

  7. I am always entertained by the guys who take this shots in interesting places. Like the youngins who are OBVIOUSLY taking them in their mother-designed bathrooms, priceless. Or the guys who are using locker rooms, or in some cases plain old public restrooms. Oh the vanity, oh the eroticism. Regardless, they are good looking guys, but I do have to wonder, how many brain cells does it take to set up the shot, then hold the cam/phone steady while looking forward…. Personally I use my webcam, lets u do some fun stuff and really get into some fun poses, courtesy of the timed shot feature hehe.

  8. Not so much concerned about the shot they took, or even where they are taken (ie: lockerooms)as I’m mconcerned about the guys themselves…My pix for HOT!!!!! are #2, 7. 9, 15 & 17…wouldn’t let them outta bed

  9. Just wait till they come out with the Hi-def camera iPhone….. But I must say that my pic is apart of this expose lol. I won’t say which though…. *cough*#1*cough*

  10. Wow, You’re not kidding, many of these guys/kids have some seriously large sexy cocks. They have some talent down there for sure. I don’t know how these guys got such large cocks, i know i sure wasn’t born with a cock like that. All the power to them though. It’s all good i have other assests, but yeah damn. As far as the pics, they can be annoying if all their pics are only cell phone pics, they need to mix it up a little in my opinion. I agree with alot of your guys about the mirror being clean, looking into the mirror, not the phone or both, good lighting etc… So yeah i’m all for it, just do the “iphone” pics well.

  11. “randy” “randy” poor poor “randy” there you go again putting down other guys opinions, and grammer and spelling!! Have you learned anything from my post to you about the brando BJ, you lonely little man. The “post a comment” is ment for “comments” about the article subject matter. NOT YOUR OPINIONS ABOUT THE PEOPLE WRITING THE COMMENTS!!
    The photo’s of the guys using the iphones look HOT!!
    Tim here btw

  12. lol…”randy” and “tim” you guys are a real comedy team, but “tim” is right we don’t really need to know what you think about spelling or grammer “randy”, just stick to YOUR opinions on the subject matter, we don’t need a “grammar Nazi” to tell us how to post a comment…haha
    btw the iphone photos look fine.

  13. just read the brando post comments, and I must say tim you do have a potty mouth, and randy you are a FUCKING UPTIGHT BITCH…lol

  14. i would love to meet contestant number 2 please 🙂
    these guys are all very good looking. i am a fan of mirror pics! in fact i have quite a few of my own

  15. I’m proud do be number one. But a little freaked out that people are using my pics without asking or atleast letting me know. My friend perchanced upon this article and then told me about it. For shame Manhunt, for shame!

  16. Fredo,
    Your pictures were on the website guyswithiphone…how would they have contacted you? I mean you did put your picture up there for the whole world to see…just saying lol

  17. Just like with most cell phone pics you have the nice ones and the not-so-nice ones. Then there is the issue of the guy looking at the phone’s screen instead of the mirror. Most of these issues come standard with cell phone mirror shots, only with this particular genre the guys don’t look too worried about he size of their camera phone only the way it’s being used.
    Regardless most of the guys on that site are amazingly hot and some are packing absolute monster cocks but the quality of the image is affected by where the subject’s focus is.

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