Help US, Help You!


Help us, help you beat scammers. 

Here at MANHUNT we want you to have the best experience whenever you're logged in, whether it's looking for a hook up right now or just cruising around the site looking at the hot profiles. That's why we have zero tolerance for scammers on our site! Our Customer Service team is always on the look out but member education is important too.

One of the primary goals of the MANHUNT Customer Support team is to maintain a site free of scammers and spammers. We know that when you’re online, your time is valuable as you chat with Mr. Right, or Mr. Right Now.

Please be aware that we NEVER run contests that involve giving away money, EVER! If you receive an email saying you’ve won money, it’s not true! When a story seems just too good to be true, it probably is!

To report one of these emails to us, just click on the ManhuntServiceMan, he’s always found on the first page of profiles. Just click the Email button in his profile to send us a message, including the screen name of the individual who contacted you. We’re here 24 x 7 and we’ll take it from there.

Above is an example of a recent scam that we’ve spotted. If you ever receive an email with this attachment, it’s a SCAM!

To read other entries, click the MANHUNT Daily banner at the top of the page.

Happy Holidays and Happy Hunting,
From your Friendly Customer Service Team at MANHUNT!

For safety tips on how to recognize a potential scam or spam, follow the JUMP:

Here are some additional safety tips on how to recognize a potential scam or spam:

  • Ask for your personal information to deliver a fake prize or offer you money.
  • Ask you to contact them outside the site through an email address.
  • Ask you to provide your cell phone number so they can call or text you later.
  • Ask you for money, bus fare or gas to travel to meet you.
  • Have a very sad, hard luck story and ask for your help.
  • Say they need your donations.

MANHUNT never…

  • Asks you to verify financial information such as a credit card or bank account number via email.
  • Initiates contact with you by phone.
  • Sells email addresses or personal information to outside marketers or vendors.

Members should never…

  • Give out credit card or bank account information through your email to any member.
  • Contact anyone they believe is scamming or spamming.

One thought on “Help US, Help You!

  1. Reported a scammer a while ago, figured I’d mention details.
    This user would get people on msn, and ask if the user wanted to check them out on webcam.
    Follow this link and you can see me, link goes to a known scam site asking for a credit card.
    If people really wanna cam, they can use c2c on manhunt or they can use c2c on msn. There’s no need for a credit card and everybody should tell this loser exactly where to go if they run into them.
    Manhunt had this offensive scumbag removed within minutes of contacting them.

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