I Don’t Understand Why Andrew Christian Didn’t Invite My Penis To Their Glow-In-The-Dark Make Out Party.

It has recently come to my attention that underwear brand Andrew Christian threw a glow-in-the-dark make out party, and they neglected to send an invitation to my penis. This doesn’t make any sense! Manhunt sponsored this aforementioned party, and you would think they’d want to have […]

Just Some Bros Being Bros (And Practically Banging One Another)

You’re about to watch a video called “Bromosexuals“. It features two supposedly straight guys doing things that all straight guys do—shotgunning beers, scratching their butts, playing video games, simulating oral sex, tearing one another’s underwear off and getting their butts shaved by their drag queen […]

Did Topher DiMaggio Secretly Lose His Ass Virginity For Andrew Christian?

We don’t usually print anonymous tips, but this one was too juicy to pass up on! An unnamed reader e-mailed us last night to reveal that popular gay porn star Topher DiMaggio (allegedly) prepared for his upcoming “Top To Bottom” scene by (allegedly) getting gangbanged […]