Manhunt Daily Wood: Adam Coussins

Adam Coussins, Dylan Rosser

After last week's success with Michael Fitt, I was going to retire as a blogger and move to Florida. I was in awe and shocked that every single comment was all positive. I thought I was reading the wrong blog for a minute. Well, I definitely have my work cut out for me from now on. I'll try to top Michael… literally and figuratively.

This week, I bring another hottie that has been featured by Dewitt in an earlier post, but after seeing these new pics of Adam Coussins, I had to share them with you. Is he hot enough for you? I mean the chest hair should make some of you happy considering all the hairless guys we've featured in the past. These photos were taken by photographer Dylan Rosser and there's even a nice shot of Adam's very fuckable bubble butt.

– Andy

Photo Credit: Dylan Rosser

For more sexy pictures of Adam, follow the JUMP:

Adam Coussins, Dylan Rosser

Adam Coussins, Dylan Rosser

Adam Coussins, Dylan Rosser

Adam Coussins, Dylan Rosser

And the picture you've all been waiting for:
 Adam Coussins, Dylan Rosser

28 thoughts on “Manhunt Daily Wood: Adam Coussins

  1. gay guys are such juveniles- his “peen”, indeed. guess jimbo can’t say “cock” or “pecker” or “penis”, eh? or is he British and that is a saying from across the pond? and the fact that the writer of the blog has screwed up his words once again is rather annoying. too much holiday cheer, Andy? I am referring to :”I bring another hottie that have (rather than “has”) been featured by Dewitt” and “I had (to) share them with you”. Seems that if the folk that are putting these things out there for us to read aren’t paying attention to their verbiage, maybe they are being paid more than they should be at times. Or is it that it’s “just a blog”? Come on now- Online Buddies is paying you to get he words right as well as get folks attention, I am sure. How could it make it on the page without being proofed? I can understand the responders not bothering to look and see if they have written their responses properly, but not someone whose job it is to get the words out there correctly.
    And I would like to see pics of these guys who put down these models for their looks or small cocks or lack of personality– I’M WILLING TO BE THAT THEY AREN’T HALF AS HOT AS THE GUYS WE GET TO SEE IN THESE BLOGS. Sure, they aren’t all appealing to me, but I have never said “too much hair” or “too young and skinny” or “not hung well enough”- because I know I can’t compete with what they are presenting. Would be an interesting requirement that anyone finding shortcomings with the models would have to send a pic of themselves to show how much better they are.

  2. To lazy to differentiate between what I do agree with and don’t but /Agree whole last paragraph 🙂

  3. let me just premise my comment by saying I’d marry this man tomorrow if he asked me to, or at least bury my face on that ass for hours…
    there were a few typos and mistakes on the blog entry, but the guy complaining about it also made some (though he is not getting paid to do so)…
    anyway, on the last four images the head of the model looks almost too large for his body, specially if compared with the first one…. did anybody notice that too? maybe it is a camera lens thing… just thought it made him look dwarf-ish…. again, he is a gorgeous guy, I think it is a photographic issue….

  4. OMG…he’s so frickin’ hot…yumm. everything about him is so attractive. The eyes are a selling point for me and those facial features…wow. Then there’s that tight ass…mmmmm…

  5. @Randy: You wrote that block of text because I used the term ‘peen’ instead of more common terms for penis? Relax man, cause last I remembered peen wasn’t a negative term and I sure as hell didn’t mean to use the term as an insult. -_-
    This guy’s good looking and I’d kill to fuck him sideways three times over.

  6. Side comment: I’ve seen both his videos over at Englishlads and he looks better with hair then without it – regardless he rocks both looks.
    I know we’re not supposed to look at models and think they’re just pieces of meat but I can’t help it.

  7. damn randy calm down…. wait let me get it right. Damn Randy, calm down. If you don’t like what you’re reading then stop reading it.

  8. He’s attractive, but based on these photos, he looks like one of those short, over-muscled guys. You know the type. If he weren’t quite so muscled I’d probably be far more into him. As it is, I think he’s a hottie regardless.
    No, my body isn’t anywhere as good as this guy’s, but does it really matter? He’s a model/porn star, for crying out loud. His job is being objectified. If he’s okay with it, then what the hell does it matter?
    Oh, and it’s the fucking internet. Get over yourselves.

  9. wow, some of you fags just need to get over yourselves. V-8, you kept dogging on others for verbiage but said “be” were ‘bet’ should have been. Merry Christmas and this dude is hot as shit, leave it as that!

  10. Randy made a few typos. Kind of makes him look a bit foolish in my opinion. But of course, according to Randy, we shouldn’t voice our opinions.
    Also, what’s wrong with the word peen?

  11. ^ My thoughts exactly.
    Randy getting all uppity over the word ‘peen’ confused me to hell and back.
    This guy’s still sexy though, I’m hoping he’ll do some guy on guy work over at Englishlads, especially with Hayden.
    Do want.

  12. Nice, very nice. But I always expect that of Andy’s posts. Usually right on to fit my tastes perfectly. This guy IS great, just not Michael Fitt “superb”. I think Andy ruined me forever with those posts of Michael Fitt. I’m even thinking of becoming a member of his website and I never do that.

  13. i agree hh9999 its andy’s fault for providing that superb man for us,
    no other guy thats featured on this blog even compares to michael.
    hes wonderful

  14. campbells, I did not use be or bet at all in my post, must be confusing me….
    btw, u used “were” instead of “where”…. 😉
    last but not least, I think some guys were way harsher than I was as far as talking about the dude in the pic….
    why is all written taken so seriously? hope u all r enjoying the holidays!

  15. Finally, a guy with hair on his chest — instead of the smoothly-shaved pre-pubescent look which I absolutely don’t get.

  16. poor andy..
    ..i suppose he might have to reconsider that move to Florida, after all.
    (and it turns out that i find mr. coussins more winsome-looking than michael, anyway — not that That really matters, i guess..)
    how tall is adam?
    5’5″? 5’6″?
    it looks like i could throw the cute little guy around!
    but i’d rather take him in my arms and cuddle him, for a night or two.

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