Quickie: Jason T.

Is Jason T. trying to emulate Chris Evans in this photo shoot with Wander Aguiar? We’re not entirely sure, but whatever he’s doing works for us! Even though Jason’s a bit of a tease, he had us on the edge of our seats for the big reveal. And when it didn’t come in the end, we were somehow satisfied with a little ass crack and peen bulge action.

Frankly, it took us a whole minute to notice the giant tattoo on his back, because we were so busy staring at his butt. Can we please have more pics of this guy? Preferably with a giant dildo shoved up his hole? Thank you in advance, internet!

– Dewitt

Photo credit: Wander Aguiar

To check out more pictures of Jason T, follow the JUMP:

Click for larger view.

(via YVY Mag)

23 thoughts on “Quickie: Jason T.

  1. I’d invite this dude to bed any day. God he is beautiful. Let him worry about the tatoo. I do like it tho. Why don’t my 2(x)ist briefs look like that?

  2. He’s got a little “Ken Wahl” thing going on, woof !

    I have four, tasteful tattoos. His are kinda over-sized and out-of-balance but, I wouldn’t kick him out of bed for that.

    But, I’d like to see more of his ass before I’d invite him over šŸ˜‰ lol

  3. I don’t know…. Maybe because SOME OF US LIKE THEM!!!! Why is it EVERY TIME that a guy has a tattoo, someone has to comment about them? We get the point!!! So some guys don’t like tattoos! Geez! Is it really that big of a deal?!?! See the guy for who he is rather than some ink he CHOSE to have! Enjoy the beauty! No guy is going to be perfect! For ANYONE! Quit looking for the negative and look for the beauty! You will find that life will be so much MORE enjoyable!!! šŸ˜‰

  4. I have two tattoos. The one was just to get one. The second I had put on after I was finished with Chemo. It’s of an angel. I wanted it to remind me that I definitely have angels watching over me. If someone doesn’t like it…. their loss… That said, this guy looks like a country singer just having some kicks. Very sexy!

  5. Well said ToddM…I’m like this, what 1 bitch won’t another 1 will & trust I’d be more than willing…lol!!!

  6. I agree, Marmarshakur. We ALL have different tastes. I just don’t get the idea behind why someone ALWAYS has to post about tattoos. We get it! So you don’t like them. Just move on!!! Why not see the good in guys instead of always looking for something negative?? I’m sure these are the very same guys who scream “DON’T JUDGE!!!” or “HAVE AN OPEN MIND!!!”… Hypocritical, isn’t it!

  7. @ ToddM

    I hope you are doing well and looking forward towards the festive season.
    I usually agree with you but on this issue I canā€™t. I understand what you are saying about people always making negative comments about guys with tattoos. And you certainly have a valid point but ā€¦ā€¦ā€¦ā€¦ā€¦ have you also noticed that just about 99% of men displayed on MH have at least one tattoo? Have you read how often admirers of tattoos lyrically express their love and admiration for the tattoos displayed?

    You are correct when you say that it gets old and tired constantly reading about someoneā€™s dislike of tattoos, and I definitely agree that having one or more tattoos doesnā€™t automatically make a person dumb, uneducated or ā€œrough tradeā€. On the other hand if itā€™s all right for one group to express their admiration ad nauseam then the same right/ privilege should be extended to the other group to express their dislike. To my way of thinking thatā€™s only fair!

    I donā€™t talk about tattoos anymore because itā€™s clear that they are prevalent and here to stay. Thereā€™s no use loosing sleep over them or keep bothering people with my preference. Why donā€™t we just let things be what they are and hopefully weā€™ll occasionally get to see a model or two who is NOT tattooed.

  8. The first three pics had me thinking *meth-ed out trucker*. Then he got better looking.
    He will spend a fortune getting that tattoo laser removed when he gets older.

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