Leave Colby Keller Alone!

There are some genuinely awful people in this world. While I hate to provide names, I’d hate it even more to not provide the following list of despicable humans—Dzhokhar Tsarnaev, Josh Duggar, Robert Mugabe, Donald Trump, Bryan Fischer, R. Kelly, Spencer Fox, Pat Robertson, all twenty people who made this list, everyone involved in the making of this decision and that’s not even beginning to scratch the surface.

I’m bringing this all up, because I am sick and tired of people complaining that they don’t “get” Colby Keller (as seen in the comments of this post from last night). Can you please tell me what the fuck Colby Keller did to you to deserve this level of toxic negativity? I am going to make a wild assumption here, but I’m guessing the answer is “nothing”.

Even Colby himself understands that he’s not everyone’s cup of tea! That doesn’t change the fact that he’s brought thousands of men to orgasm across the world. (Rough estimate on my part.) You might not like it if he shaves his chest, grows a gigantic beard or wears a funky tank-top. You might be frustrated that we write about him so often. You might think he’s “average” or “boring” or any assortment of tired-ass insults… But is it really necessary to bring out the claws? Stop. Please.

Colby Keller

Colby Keller is not the gay porn equivalent of Hitler. He is, however, a talented performer who cares about his fans, exercises a thirst for knowledge, rarely half-asses his scenes, and consistently puts research and intense creative energy into every In Bed With Colby Keller video he provides for us.

So, yeah, you might not “get” the throbbing erection that occurred in my pants when I saw Mr. Keller slamming his cock into Ricky Roman (as seen in the clip below). At the same time, I don’t “get” why you feel the need to share your indifference (or completely unreasonable hatred) with the world. You’re not going to stop us from posting. You’re not going to propel Colby into retirement. And you’re not going to stop those thousands of men from rubbing their dicks raw to his pictures and videos.

What is your endgame? What do you hope to accomplish by making these comments? Who is paying you to bad-mouth Colby Keller, because you simply don’t share your fellow readers’ enthusiasm for him? Why, oh why, can’t you focus your negative energy on people who actually deserve it and leave Colby Keller alone?

– Dewitt

Photo credit: Cocky Boys

Say “whatever” to the haters and enjoy Colby’s latest clip below:

Colby Keller fucks Ricky Roman on gay porn site Cocky Boys.

Colby Keller fucks Ricky Roman on gay porn site Cocky Boys.

Colby Keller fucks Ricky Roman on gay porn site Cocky Boys.

Colby Keller fucks Ricky Roman on gay porn site Cocky Boys.

Colby Keller fucks Ricky Roman on gay porn site Cocky Boys.

Colby Keller fucks Ricky Roman on gay porn site Cocky Boys.

Colby Keller fucks Ricky Roman on gay porn site Cocky Boys.

Colby Keller fucks Ricky Roman on gay porn site Cocky Boys.

Colby Keller fucks Ricky Roman on gay porn site Cocky Boys.

Colby Keller fucks Ricky Roman on gay porn site Cocky Boys.

Colby Keller fucks Ricky Roman on gay porn site Cocky Boys.

Colby Keller fucks Ricky Roman on gay porn site Cocky Boys.

Colby Keller fucks Ricky Roman on gay porn site Cocky Boys.

Colby Keller fucks Ricky Roman on gay porn site Cocky Boys.

Colby Keller fucks Ricky Roman on gay porn site Cocky Boys.

Colby Keller fucks Ricky Roman on gay porn site Cocky Boys.





53 thoughts on “Leave Colby Keller Alone!

  1. You know Dewitt, into every internet, some hateful troll will fall. Just let it go. I find Colby, not only fuckable, but also incredible dateable.

  2. I freaking love Colby Keller!! Hairy, smooth (smooth is my fave), bearded, non-bearded, shirtless or crazily tank-topped he is my total ideal of a man!!

  3. I think Colby Keller is smokin’ hot–In Bed With Colby Keller would be fan-frickin’- tastic…..or on the floor, or on the couch or just about anywhere—

  4. Colby is quite the affable, quirky, erotic intellectual, and a helluva-looker too…I find him to be one of the “REALest” & most approachable of the current stable of gay porn stars, and he actually seems like a decent, thoughtful, fun-loving guy…I applaud him for tackling certain questions/ topics in his sex-blogs that are edgy and slightly taboo, but in THIS ultra-permissive society, there really isn’t much left that is THAT shocking anymore (at least to our jaded, world-weary ManHunt audience–lol–)…I think people should just chill out and have fun with his observations…Besides, he’s soooooooo much cuter than Dr. Ruth ever was!–lol–

  5. i dont hate him, i think hes way hot, sexy and smart, very smart. in fact its some of the stuff he says that i cant agree with, now this is only from bits and pieces i have read over time and perhaps i’m not getting the real picture, but here goes. from his blog one can get the idea that hes a very smart able bodied person but other than porn he does not work, i know lots of porn stars only do porn but thats all they can do, colby has the ability to work hes very well educated but is happy to glide along on public assistance. he mentions his medicade and his disdain with our current system (ie capitalism) now dont get me wrong theres lots that aint right with our system BUT if you are an able bodied person and as well educated as our colby is , the decent thing to do is go work, but one gets the impression he feels “above” taking a job – any job – that isnt exactly tailor made for colby, unfortunately, there arent many jobs for colbys degree, so he takes assistance and asks people to buy him things, and then sort of brags about taking advantage…honestly i would love to know him better he IS extremely bright and very on top of whats going on in the world. i too am a political junkie and enjoy discussing many of the same things he does (political systems etc). its just seems to me he should step up and show some intergrity….

  6. Interesting observations! When did Colby admit to being on Medicade? I’m shocked that such a seemingly able-bodied, muscular man would need to be on public medical assistance. For all the wild contortions he gets into in his sex scenes, he would look to be in PERFECT health…Where has he admitted /bragged about taking advantage of the healthcare system? I’d be verrrrry curious to read about THAT…

  7. he mentioned on his blog in passing while speaking about another topic. honestly i dont remember a date, but it stuck in my head, perhaps that word can be searched but lets face it after he reads this he could take it out .., add that to his opinions (which he has every right to) about various types of jobs and comments about people who do certain types of work and you get a clearer picture. look i really really do not mean to be mean here. theres lots of people who take advantage (look at the big banks lol) i just felt a bit let down..

  8. Colby is a sexy man especially when he’s hairy or wearing glasses. I like it when he tops but LOVE it when he bottoms or flips with someone like Dale Cooper or Tommy Defendi.

  9. the only thing that can let colby down is a scene partner like this one ekk…..other then that hes gorgious to look at and hear as well, as said before hes BF material hehe well i can dream hmm

  10. I don’t know how he could not be anyone’s cup of tea….. he’s hot, smart and seems down to earth…… I certainly wouldn’t kick him out of bed for eatin’ crackers….

  11. well, he has a job. he’s a porn star. and obviously it didn’t pay enough at the time and he qualified for medicaid and food stamps. that’s not exactly ‘gliding by’ on the system. and the things he asked people to buy him, were books.

  12. i find him to be very genuine both in his performing and his blog…unlike soooo many porn stars this guy certainly has depth..he is very creative, has a great lust for life and intellectually curious too

  13. I feel your passion Dewitt, Colby rocks the cock. It s just like the tattoo hatred. Bitter queens w nothing better to do than make themselves try and feel better about their bitter jealousy that colby and company are getting more than they are. Of course these same queens are usually fat or old, or both. They will never shutup sadly. So you keep Colby and the tattoos cumming, those of us who matter love what you do.

  14. Colby seems like a very cute “guy next door” type who I’d love to have as a buddy or even a lover. But he doesn’t make the grade for me as a porn star. Does that make sense?

  15. Ever hear of working two jobs? Lots of people do. I have. And guess what? I didn’t have to apply for public assistance. I paid my way while my taxes paid for other people’s Medicaid and food stamps.

  16. You know, I just read the original Colby post, and I thought the comments were pretty mild compared to some of the stuff these trolls post on here. Did Dewitt quit smoking? (PS, I would let Colby teach me about art.) (If he was naked)

  17. Colby Keller is the hottest thing in porn! Plus he’s a sweet guy….you could take him home to meet the parents and when mom’s not looking take you, your dad, your brothers and your brothers-in-law, sexually use them, and then come back in for dinner with everyone smiling and mom and the sisters and sisters-in-law never knowing why every man in the room has a glow. That man is fine!

  18. You know, some people are *gasp* either unable to get a second job (or even 1st in a shaky economy, or dying city) or just might be physically unable to work. My taxes went to social services as well and I’m glad to have helped someone eat or get medication.

  19. I adore Colby. Not only is he hot but he loves sex and it shows in his performances. His body and cock are glorious, and his cumshots copious, which is more than one can say about other more popular gay pornstars. And he’s smart! I’d marry him in a second if he asked.

  20. Colby, is fantastic. if he did commercials for hair gel i would buy it. he is real in a superficial world, the ‘haters’ are jealous cause he makes money on his basic looks

  21. I quite like Mr. Keller. Perhaps we are the “silent majority” because we’re too … busy … after his posts to congratulate him for being a sweet, helpful person.

  22. Sammy, JMDartist, Aaron and Kcv, if this concerns you SO much; you SHOULD, and NEED to, send him an email message and ASK him, yes I said ASK him, if the public assistance/Medicaid statement is true.

    His personal email address is posted by Manhunt and Manhunt ENCOURAGES us to email him!!

    Why operate on rumor/guesses/possible lies when you can have the truth??

  23. if he can fly all over the place send up pics of all the places porn has sent him, send us pics of what hes eating in restaurants,, participate in art projects,(in a physical) way he is OBVIOUSLY in great shape and hits the gym…if a person can do ALL this then they are certainly more than able to flip burgers, fold clothes in a retail store, be a cashier in a market,..and the list goes on and on..here again i REALLY am not trying to be mean, i just get the impression that he is ONLY willing to take a job that EXACTLY fits what HE thinks he should have, and that aint life nor is it very noble when you are obviously very able bodied

  24. Enough of Colby Keller, he is getting tired and tiresome. At least give him a shave and a haircut and change his look.

  25. Sammy I have read your comments and you have made some very valid points but my question Sammy is this how do we know that Colby does not have some underlying medical condition that is not recognizable on the surface ? I ask this question because I myself receive medical assistant from medicaid as well as social security disability even though by looking at me most people would think I was as the old say goes healthy as horse and yet I go 3 times a week for dialysis ( I have kidney disease ) and on the date that all the children were killed in Connecticut I was told that I needed emergency triple bypass surgery 2 save my life . Sammy my man your points are very valid but all I am saying is that you just NEVER KNOW ! I am prime example that you never judge a book by it’s cover because unless I spill the beans ( like I just did ) on my kidney disease or I unbutton my shirt to show my scar KNOW ONE would be the wiser Like I said your points are valid but you just NEVER KNOW !!!

  26. I think the reason he provokes so much “meh, he’s not all that” scorn is the incessant hype MH puts out about him. People who think he’s so-so, at best, eventually tire of rolling their eyes at the extravagant claims MH makes for him and feel the need to remind you that no, a night with Colby Keller does not cure the common cold, does not produce cold fusion, and does not solve the Israeli-Palestinian conflict.

    I realize this is a business, and no doubt Colby gets a check for what he does for you, and part of what drives MH revenues are ad hits, and all that good stuff…. but the bottom line is, Colby Keller on Manhunt is a product, not a person. And like any other product, there are people who swear by it, and people who think it’s awful.

    Companies who provide platforms for public feedback on a product and then berate the customers for their opinions on said product are not likely to keep customers satisfied.

  27. Also to Sammy, JMDartist, Aaron, and Kcv.
    I have a difficult time comprehending why the issue of how someone lives matters to you. People for varying reasons seek public assistance. I suppose if it offends your sensibilities on some level, then that is valid for you. However, whatever money he earns from doing porn and other jobs, I would hazard a guess that it is taxed. Therefore he is paying into a system and so has every right to directly benefit from it.
    Also as someone who works in Adult Film rather than mainstream film, he isn’t offered health benefits, as there is no Porn Actors Union. Consequently working in adult film does require that a person monitor their health quite closely and not all studios handle testing etc.
    I find the insistence that someone work multiple shit jobs is required simply because you deem them to be capable of such quite problematic. Especially as you don’t seem to have really factored in that Colby Keller is quite a visible personality in Adult Film, and there is a high probability that he faces significant challenges in acquiring regular work due to his visibility in Adult Entertainment. Let’s not forget about lil’ ol Kurt Wilde who was fired from Subway for his gay porn career and he was kind of an unknown at the time.

  28. He is allowed to live his life. Not every ailment or disability can be seen. He obviously is not all people, but i got the impression you made a blanket statement. Neither you not I are competent to know what he does beyond where a camera is or what if anything is physically or mentally wrong with him which necessitates his assistance.

  29. LOL dude if you can fuck on film like a bunny, fly all over, participate in physical art projects, take vacations chop wood….come on you can flip a burger fold a shirt thats ALL i’m saying…i understand not all issues are physical or obvious but what IS obvious is the multitude of ALL THE OTHER STUFF hes doing., yes i get we all have the right to live our life as we see fit, my ONLY point was that IF this stuff i read is true that thats not a very noble attitude..to take advantage…i am sure hes a great guy hell i wish i knew him WINK

  30. Colby is like Sabrina (Kate Jackson) in the original Charlie’s Angels. She may not have been quite as traditionally “hot” or “beautiful” as Farrah Fawcett and Jaclyn Smith, but she was really smart, had a great sense of humor and could fuck like a champ. You couldn’t say that about the other two.

  31. Colby has made himself a public figure and has opened himself up to both praise and criticism. I don’t have strong feelings about him one way or the other, but if people commenting about him ‘being average’ bother him, then he’ll retire from the public eye.

  32. I can see yor point… Prhaps I’m too sensitive about it because I’m unable to do much physically these days due to injury. Have a good one

  33. –lol–Oh girl, you’ve got your panties in a twist over NOTHIN’! There should be as much attention paid to debates on Obamacare as you folks are paying to what Colby did or didn’t say about getting public medical assistance…As you lumped me into the “controversy”, I say reread MY comments and tell me where I criticized CK for anything. I did not, I was just curious to get clarification. SHEEEEEESH! Try to remember the good old days when the topic of porn stars brought us all orgasms and not ANGST–LOL–

  34. And YOURS is the DEFINITIVE word on this subject, sir. I like Colby, but ManHunt does him no favors by parading his creative blog in an “open” forum and then berating readers for any feedback that doesn’t totally support their “Golden Boy’s” vision. What MH needs to see is that even though the topics are erotic, this is STILL a journalistic endeavor, and free speech/tolerant exchange of opinion should be the goal. If not, then just call it what it is: internal marketing propaganda.

  35. Here’s what I don’t “get” about Colby Keller, Dewitt. By all accounts, he seems to be a very intelligent guy, and sincerely nice, to boot. I can’t deny that. He also is a passionate performer and that too, I can’t deny.
    But the only thing that bothers me is that he almost always looks so unkempt, like he hasn’t combed (or washed) his hair in days, or he lets his beard go wild. Now, I understand if hair gets messed up during sex, and let’s face it- if it doesn’t, you’re not doing it right šŸ™‚

    I find it a turn off that for a controlled environment like a porn shoot, he doesn’t seem to bother with social niceties such as grooming his hair/beard. And though I’m all about letting body hair grow and not manscaping the hell out of your body, he just looks a little TOO natural, especially with those wild pubes, for me to get turned on by. Oddly enough, there’s an ad above with Colby and Dale Cooper side by side. Cooper quite obviously doesn’t shave his body hair or facial hair, but it always manages to look neat and lightly trimmed. And he looks like his head has met with a comb in the last week. And I find him hot as fuck.

    So what it boils down to for me is that Colby Keller, while a nice, intelligent guy and passionate porn performer, always looks ungroomed and unkempt, and in porn, I don’t find that hot at all.

  36. duh its just the look hes trying to cultivate urban hipster arty “different” than the average kind of guy etc etc..its more about the “cool” look than him being unkept. obviously hes a bright intelligent guy ….he knows how to bath and get a haircut….go look up “urban hipster look” and you’ll see. some guys like preppy, other leather daddy etc ..its just the way he wants to market him self thats all

  37. Wait, I was under the impression that the studios are looking for very specific looks in their films. So it follows that they are looking for exactly this look, or they’d ask him to change it up. I personally hate a shaved chest (trimmed is one thing, but shaved clean saddens me), still, if the studio is looking to cast a smooth chested man in their scene, they’d look for one, or have the furry guy shave. It’ll grow back.

    Same with the beard. I know he’s had it for a while, but then, he’s also been doing a LOT of work for the same company. So, wouldn’t they be the reason he’s sporting that full growth beard? Or at least a very financially important supporting reason?

  38. I think you’re wrong here. When you say, “…a night with Colby Keller does not cure the common cold, does not produce cold fusion, and does not solve the Israeli-Palestinian conflict.” I don’t believe you. In this case I’m from Missouri! Show me! hahah (evil grin inserted here)

  39. I think the studio (with which he’s been doing so much work lately) has him like that on purpose.

  40. And recently (just to add fuel to this smoldering ember), the Sean Cody model who was suspended from high school (yes he’s 18) because it was found that he did a gay porn or 3.

    My point is, you are always subject to the opinions of the world around you. For each of us, this can present very unique hurdles. Not soap-boxing, just sayin’. šŸ™‚

  41. Example; my younger brother had a brain tumor when he was 2. After intense radiation and chemo to his brain at the age when it’s forming it’s pathways, and 30 odd years later, he looks fine. His physical form is as strong as an ox! But… he has neurological issues that prevent him from ever working what you and I might consider a normal job. I’m just offering this up as an example….

    Remember, everyone is going through something you know nothing about.

  42. DAK, some of these folks just won’t get it. We are all a product of our environment. You and I may have more experience in how the rest of the world works. Maybe too much, but never enough, right? 99% of human minds aren’t wired for alternative possibilities. It seems to be either a learned understanding, or a rare gift at birth.

  43. It could also have been that if he was on Medicaid, it was a temporary thing. A broken bone between insurance coverages for instance.

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