He-Who-Must-Not-Be-Named Is A Top

Because you were all dying to know! One of the previously mentioned “EXTREMELY CUTE” NakedSword employees and my current spirit animal (Jack Shamama) did a bit of investigative reporting to discover He-Who-Must-Not-Be-Named‘s preference in the bedroom.

The answer may surprise you… Unless you saw those screen-shots of his Manhunt profile a few years back. Alas, now you know whether He-Who-Must-Not-Be-Named is a Top or Bottom. Make of that information what you will.

– Dewitt

Photo credit: Fauxjob

31 thoughts on “He-Who-Must-Not-Be-Named Is A Top

  1. I’ll be honest, I don’t like Perez at ALL.  However, I have to say, since losing all the weight, he seems a lot less annoying.  Almost (almost) even attractive!

  2. It’s always the opposite of what u assume. “Straight acting” guys are usually the biggest bottoms, while a lot of “obviously” gay guys are tops or more vers

  3. Sorry, meant “sits on it”. Accidentally hit the apostrophe. Thought I would get that on here before the grammar police attack

  4. no fucking way is he a top!  he’s a btm, who’s ashamed of being one so he claims to be a top.  wurd.

  5. Perez Hilton is a huge embarrassment to our big gay community; I’d love to have a giant fly swatter and take a few swings at that giant fruit fly.

  6. Top or bottom  whats the difference a TROL is a TROL  the only thing worst than being Perez Hilton is sleeping with Perez Hilton !!!

  7. he really makes me physically sick, just hearing his name starts turning my stomach and then pictures of him just end it for me. I haven’t even had breakfast yet 🙁

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