Lurid Digs is Still Going Strong

Cause dudes keep failing to check their surroundings before hitting “send.”


Welcome to Thursday! We’re still coming to you from Manhunt HQ in lovely, cold, rainy, downtown Cambridge, MA this week, and I’ve spent the better part of this morning scoping out all of the sad times on I remember being very into that site at one point (similar to my fascinations with People of Walmart and There I Fixed It) and it’s refreshing to realize that nobody is learning any lessons about how not to look like a crazy psychopath in their naked pics:




Eric: I’ve never been so relieved that our self-promoting pioneer Lady Mendl has been dead for 65 years. This room would make her flip over and shit straight up in the air.

I’ll wait while you Wiki her and then try to unsee that image…

(sings quietly, ‘on her back is the Battle of Waterloooooooooooo beside it, the wreck of the Hesperus, tooooooooo”)

She would never put a sundial in a bathroom.

Even for the doyenne of post-Victorian white interiors, this would be a bit much. For me, it’s not enough. The tile is not actively offensive, but grey grout would be a great start in giving the space some moderne structure. Then a less draining wall color, a suction-mounted dispenser to corral the soap, shampoo, conditioner and lube, and a kitschy shower curtain (leopard print, anyone?).

Finally, I’d send that window mistreatment to Sandra Lee to turn back into a tablescape. Somebody give the poor dear a cocktail, as well. It may be eternal noon in this room, but it’s martini o’clock somewhere.



I agree, Eric. Especially the part about Sandra Lee.

Buuuuuuut. If I’m being completely honest though, that dude has just a bonkers dick and it would be easy to remove him from this terrible bathroom and pretend like none of this ever happened. See? Here’s a shitty cutout job to prove my point:



Right? It’s pretty romantic now! Just him, a roaring fire, a shag carpet, and that arm’s-length penis. Ahhhhh.


giphy (2)




– tyler



6 thoughts on “Lurid Digs is Still Going Strong

  1. ‘And proudly above flies the red white and blue’ you could definitely learn a lot from this guy and yes I have a ‘shag’ pile I’d like to introduce to him

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