Joseph Bleu Does A Sexy Homage To Egon Schiele

Nick Gogel C

Photographer Joseph Bleu did a great job paying homage to one of his inspirations, artist Egon Schiele. He not only interpreted his work very well, he also gave us some sexy eye candy in the form of model Nick Gogel.

Schiele was well known for his self portraits, often nude. We certainly get that vibe, which I love!

– Andy

Photo Credit: Joseph Bleu

For the rest of the shoot, follow the JUMP:

Nick Gogel By Joseph Bleu

Nick Gogel By Joseph Bleu

Nick Gogel By Joseph Bleu

Nick Gogel By Joseph Bleu

Nick Gogel By Joseph Bleu

Nick Gogel By Joseph Bleu

Nick Gogel By Joseph Bleu

19 thoughts on “Joseph Bleu Does A Sexy Homage To Egon Schiele

  1. Sorry, this doesn’t read Schiele to me at all. One thing, if Schiele was doing a nude self portrait, his manhood was front and center. Also, Schiele’s work was often about grotesque, raw sexuality. This is just pretty – not like Schiele

  2. As just mentioned, Schiele was right “up front” with his work. These stills are more the “shrinking violet” type of posing that doesn’t do much for the model at all. But some of Schiele’s work was a little over the top with the sexuality to the point of sometimes being slightly disturbing. Or maybe those are just my thoughts….

  3. id say the backdrop and the actual physical features of the model are the only elements that remind me of Schiele

  4. I agree, this totally misses the mark… The model is totally wrong. (Schiele’s subjects always look a little heroin chic, no? LOL.)And the lighting isn’t intense enough. I don’t see any of the rawness or the depravity that really make Egon Schiele recognisable as Egon Schiele.

  5. I think the lighting is pretty Schiele-esque it mimics the thinned paint quality a lot of his paintings had, and also the hand gestures are attempting to mimic Schiele, but generally, it does fall very short of its insperation

  6. I wrote from memory of Schiele’s self-images before, but since Andy is so seldom off the mark for me, I researched and took another look. Now I don’t know what to think. Google images “Egon Schiele self portrait”. The model doesn’t have the emaciated look but the poses are quite representative of Schiele’s work. Regardless I don’t find that Schiele’s self images are something that I want to look at any more than I have to. And the model in the photos would probably look great if done with another backdrop and stronger posing.

  7. I wrote from memory of Schiele’s self-images before, but since Andy is so seldom off the mark for me, I researched and took another look. Now I don’t know what to think. Google images “Egon Schiele self portrait”. The model doesn’t have the emaciated look but the poses are quite representative of Schiele’s work. Regardless I don’t find that Schiele’s self images are something that I want to look at any more than I have to. And the model in the photos would probably look great if done with another backdrop and stronger posing.

  8. For all you purists out there… artists find there inspiration from many different sources, but that does not mean that they try to reproduce or replicate that which inspires.

  9. “The model doesn’t have the emaciated look but the poses are quite representative of Schiele’s work.”
    Doing an homage is more than copying poses and recreating the image in another medium. These photos are soft and weak in a way none of Shiele’s are. If the model had been double jointed, and had a bit of gout, maybe these would have worked better but I’m sorry, they just look like a really bad Photo 101 project I would have seen freshman year of college.

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