Hulk Hogan Has A Big Penis And (Unfortunately) A Sex Tape


I’m officially shredding my Hulkamania fan card after seeing this mess. When he strolls bare ass up to the bed, and his bleached blonde mullet is just illuminating the room…what happens to the poor bitches of the Saw films is less horrific.

Famed wrestling icon Hulk Hogan filmed himself having fuck time, the tape got ganked and someone gave it to Gawker. Poor Hulk. Actually – poor us, cuz’ BLERGH. Hogan’s club only makes a split-second appearance but it’s sizable. Unfortunately, sometimes “sizable” isn’t enough. Especially when “sizable” belongs to a 59-year-old leathery wrestler.

However, it’s celebrity peen, and it’s something we HAVE to report on here at Manhunt Daily. It’s part of our mission statement. The part that reads “and will report on all celebrity dick when there’s a celebrity dick story or pics.”

There’s a screenshot of Hulk’s hogan after the break, but you have to go to Gawker (you pervert) to watch the actual film. You might want to bring God with you. You’ll need him.

– J. Harvey


370 thoughts on “Hulk Hogan Has A Big Penis And (Unfortunately) A Sex Tape

  1. Why is it the wrestler who does a sex tape, is not one anyone wants to see. Why not a Randy Orton, Cody Rhodes, Evan Bourne, CM Punk, Dolph Ziggler, Kofi Kingston, The Rock or John Cena sex tape? Preferably with each other, but I would take a straight one too. Lol!

  2. Why is it the wrestler who does a sex tape, is not one anyone wants to see. Why not a Randy Orton, Cody Rhodes, Evan Bourne, CM Punk, Dolph Ziggler, Kofi Kingston, The Rock or John Cena sex tape? Preferably with each other, but I would take a straight one too. Lol!

  3. I worked for a woman that dated Hulk Hogan “back in the day” she was/is a total bitch and verified that Hulk is HUNG.

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