Dude Has Range!

I’m still trying to believe that it’s him singing all of the parts. The guy’s X-Men superpower is singing.  Nick Pitera is a talented (and cute) singer who posted this video to YouTube back in March. Not only does he sing ALL the parts of this classic from Beauty & The Beast, but he adds special effects and edited all together so it’s seamless! Impressive.

– J. Harvey

Let Nick astound you with his vocals after the JUMP:

411 thoughts on “Dude Has Range!

  1. Well, I vote that all of the fortunes of the Kardashians be strip from them and given to this man, who actually has talent!

  2. Nothing like watching a Disney medley while a closeup of a man eating some ass is right beside it.

  3. I LOVE Nick. Him and Sam Tsui make some pretty amazing music videos. Check them out! 🙂

  4. now this is the true definition of V E R S A T I L E!!! outstanding… hours of patience and practice… hope this boykie goes a long way….

  5.  I don’t believe it to begin with. Watch it again; they even credit Jodi Benson in the upper left hand corner.

  6. he wasnt giving credit just saying that he really likes her he does sing every part but he uses autotune for most of his videos but he does have some raw preformances and i believe he was on ellen once 

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