Celebrity Skin: Channing Tatum & Michael Cera’s Butts

In case you were not aware, the apocalyptic comedy This Is The End was extremely homoerotic. Both friends and readers alike had written to me about the film’s various plot devices, and I thought they were bullshitting me until I heard the same things from several sources. Channing Tatum on a leash in a jockstrap? Michael Cera showing bare ass, while getting rimmed and blown by two chicks? This all seemed too good to be true.

Alas, the world did not collectively decide to punk me with these salacious rumors of male celebrity nudity. Both Tatum and Cera do, indeed, show off their ass cheeks in the movie, and we’ve finally got the screen-caps to prove it! I’m probably going to get a lot of shit for saying this, but am I the only one who thinks Cera has a better ass than Tatum? For a tiny guy, he’s got a nice set of cheeks…

– Dewitt

Check out some screenshots of Channing Tatum and Michael Cera’s butts below:


Channing Tatum in a jockstrap and fetish gear for This Is The End:

Channing Tatum showing off his butt in This Is The End.

Channing Tatum showing off his butt in This Is The End.

Channing Tatum showing off his butt in This Is The End.

Channing Tatum showing off his butt in This Is The End.

Channing Tatum showing off his butt in This Is The End.


Michael Cera showing his butt in This Is The End:

Michael Cera naked butt ass nude rimjob blowjob

Michael Cera naked butt ass nude rimjob blowjob

Michael Cera butt gif



11 thoughts on “Celebrity Skin: Channing Tatum & Michael Cera’s Butts

  1. This movie was halarious! I laughed all through the movie the whole time! The ending was moving and brought a few tears to my eyes for obvious reasons to those who saw the movie! Too bad they can’t make a sequel! LOL!!!

  2. Well glad I wasn’t the only one to know good copies of this movie is splashed all over the internet to take screencaps of lol

  3. Hey DeWitt…You need to do a piece on my new celebrity crush…Scott Eastwood (son of Clint)…a total hunk! Check him out if you haven’t seen him yet.

  4. Stop being gay there are a lot of girls out there that loves you guys so stop being gay for me pleaseeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee. : )

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