Snickers: The Gayest Candy Ever?

Snickers, gay icons, Aretha Franklin, ad spot, commercial, Liza Minnelli, candy bar, fabulous, funny, hilarious, guys, divas

Snickers took advantage of Golden Girls star Betty White for their hilarious Super Bowl commercial, and now they've enlisted a few other gay icons for their latest campaign. Both Aretha Franklin and Liza Minnelli can be spotted in the follow-up ad, as a group of guys accuse one another of acting like "divas".

This is pretty fantastic and all, but don't you wish Aretha would have broken out one of her outrageous hats? It's kind of like she does Lady Gaga fashion for the AARP demographic. Liza's looking as fabulous and disoriented as ever. I mean, will she ever stop being so amazing?

– Dewitt

To watch the commercial, follow the JUMP:

11 thoughts on “Snickers: The Gayest Candy Ever?

  1. Haha does anyone else see the humour of Aretha asking for AC?
    That lady won’t perform if the stage is cold. She makes everyone sweat it out so the cold won’t affect her voice.

  2. the Betty White one was funnier. But does anybody know the guy who was Aretha Franklin. He looks so familiar. He’s kinda cute!

  3. ZIL…. oh wow!!! i can’t believe anybody even remembers that show!!! LOL… ah Nickelodeon. Where’s Alex Mack?

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