Same-Sex Marriage Officially Legal In D.C.

Washington DC, gay marriage, equality

Good news! As of today, same-sex couples can apply for marriage licenses in Washington, D.C. Because of a mandatory waiting period, couples won't be able to officially marry until March 9th, but the important part is that the opposition couldn't block this. Washington joins Vermont, Connecticut, Massachusetts, New Hampshire and Iowa as the sixth place in the nation where same-sex marriages are legal.

Of course, there's some bad news too. The Catholic Archdiocese of Washington has adopted a new policy of not offering benefits to spouses of new employees or those of employees who aren't enrolled in their current program. Essentially, they're evading the possibility of (gasp) offering benefits to same-sex partners. They've also ended their eighty-year foster program, rather than license same-sex couples. You may now roll your eyes in exasperation.

– Dewitt

209 thoughts on “Same-Sex Marriage Officially Legal In D.C.

  1. Interesting to read this on Manhunt given the owner of Manhunt contributed to Prop 8 in California to reverse gay marriage!

  2. Aren’t Catholic priests the gayest of all? Isn’t this biting the nose to spite the face?

  3. I fiil that the Catholic church have more then another dirt under there rugs to deal with, and would not what to leave themselfs open to be critizes yet once again. This is a matter that concern two parties only and there belives, all other parties need to say out.

  4. I’m pretty sure that Manhunt executive Tom’s referring to was the one that donated to the McCain campaign. The idea that a Manhunt exec., or any Gay, Inc. exec, actually donated to Prop 8 sounds preposterous at best.

  5. And donating to McCain is hardly suppporting prop 8; futher, he has a right to donate to which canidate he wants/likes. I donated to McCain as I did not think Obama was the person he wanted everyone to believe he was.

  6. Just as it’s my right (or should be) to marry the person that chooses to marry me, it’s also the Church’s right to believe what it believes regardless of what idiocy it may happen to be. I actually think that kudo’s are in order for the catholic church for choosing to simply not be involved in something that goes against their beliefs. I am sorry that the good work they do with fostering is getting thrown out with the new policy, but it’s their decision to make and it’s much less hippocratic than some of their decisions made in the past.
    Now if they can just do something about the rampant pedophilia that permeates the organization I might actually begin to respect the church again. I don’t expect them to believe what I believe, just as I don’t believe all they have to say.
    Just my two cents worth.

  7. Yawn. With the divorce rate at over 40% among straights it will certainly be much, much higher among the LGBT community. Why should any community aspire to this?
    Anyway, it will certainly be a real laugh to start reading profiles of “married” couples who are “looking for a third” or how their marriage is “open.”

  8. Comedienne/Actress Mon’ique has an open marriage. So don’t give us your sanctimonious shit about gays breaking some kind of breeder ideal of marriage.

  9. awesome now we can clap our hands and join in with the the roman and greek empire and watch society crumble under this absurd proposition which will see the nuclear family being the building blocks of civilisation be replaced by some warped version of wannabees who want to be exactly the same as everyone else and who clearly are not …. embrace ur differentiation instead of sticking ur square pegs in our round holes, scuse the pun. looks like 2012 is not that far away lol ……. breeder ideal of marriage what a tosser comment to make, look up marriage in the dictionary it certainly has nothing to do with same sexes, quick before you change that too ……. do what ever you want who cares but come up with your own idealogies instead of stealing and twisting everyone else’s.

  10. Yeah sure, there’s the obvious hypocrisy of the Catholic Church regarding pedophiles among their ranks…but there are still honest clergymen who do represent the Church and do great works for their parishioners. And to those of you who flame on and on about pedophiles, one need not look any further than into the sordid underbelly of our own communities where deviant groups declare that having sex with young boys is perfectly fine. As if the gay community is without it’s own ills….sheesh.

  11. @Tom,
    I’m not sure where you’re getting your information from, but you might want to read this:
    In the article, we link back to the Advocate which states that the owners of Manhunt donated $10,000 AGAINST Prop. 8.
    Also if you read the update at the bottom of the entry, Jonathan Crutchley donated an additional $10,000 against Prop. 8. Thus, Manhunt donated a total of $20,000 for gay marriage in California.
    – Andy

  12. you put him in his place andy, but i thought tim was the official human resource guy/bitchy queen pacifier. is he not at work today lol?

  13. @Alex
    LOL. It wasn’t meant to be bitchy at all. I just wanted to make sure that he knew the real facts.
    Tim is at work today, but I saw the comment before he did. =)
    Thanks for reading the blog!
    – Andy

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