Quickie: Landon Falgoust

We know what some of you are thinking! Is Landon Falgoust related to Kaylan Falgoust? Are they the same person, or is every man that Rick Day photographs so excruciatingly stunning that you can’t tell them apart? We’re not sure if we have any answers for you, but you can head over here for a picture of Landon and Kaylan standing next to one another. We decided to stop looking after we found that, preferring to believe that they are husbands who fuck one another on a nightly basis.

(They are probably brothers… Which means we are probably disgusting perverts.)

Landon fills out his Calvin Kleins quite nicely, so if this whole “traditional” modeling thing doesn’t work for him, he can always make a crossover to gay porn or enter a smallest penis contest and come in last place. There are so many opportunities in this world for pretty men with big penises, so really, the world is his oyster.

– Dewitt

Photo credit: Rick Day

Check out additional photos of Landon Falgoust below:

Landon Falgoust by Rick Day

Landon Falgoust by Rick Day

Landon Falgoust by Rick Day

Landon Falgoust by Rick Day

Landon Falgoust by Rick Day

Landon Falgoust by Rick Day

Landon Falgoust by Rick Day

Landon Falgoust by Rick Day

Landon Falgoust by Rick Day

Landon Falgoust by Rick Day

Landon Falgoust by Rick Day

Landon Falgoust by Rick Day



8 thoughts on “Quickie: Landon Falgoust

  1. To pretty for your taste ? perhaps another 100 lbs and a bad case of acne will satisfied your taste !!!

  2. I find his physique to be flawless. His face is ruggedly handsome to me. But, beauty is in the eye of the beholder, as they say 🙂

  3. I was not dissing him…He seems too aware of his perfection, to me it’s not sexy :p It’s not as if he had offered anything anyway!!

    But to me hotness and beauty can be distinct. This guy ticks all the boxes of society’s beauty standards, clearly, doesn’t mean he becomes attractive for everyone…

    But yes, it’s nothing 50 extra Ibs wouldn’t fix!

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