Manhunt Daily Wood: Roman Dawidoff

You became briefly acquainted with Roman Dawidoff in last week’s post about circuit parties. As the story goes, he looked so good in the promo shots for the 2014 Circuit Festival that I had no choice but to do some more research on him. My painstaking research methods included taking off my pants, fiddling around with my junk and doing a Google image search to locate more pics.

All in all, I’m glad I could share the results of my research with you! Now, if you’ll excuse me for the rest of the night, I’m going to do an additional study on the overall effect of Roman Dawidoff’s physical presence on my penis. My hypothesis is that I will cum all over the place, and since I jazzed up my jizz earlier today with Sugar Cum, I will probably lick up a few drops and report back to you on the efficacy of that product.

(No, really, I actually jazzed up my jizz today.)

– Dewitt

Check out more of Roman Dawidoff’s breathtaking hotness below:

Roman Dawidoff male model

Roman Dawidoff male model

Roman Dawidoff male model

Roman Dawidoff male model

Roman Dawidoff male model

Roman Dawidoff male model

Roman Dawidoff male model

Roman Dawidoff male model

Roman Dawidoff male model

Roman Dawidoff male model

Roman Dawidoff male model

Roman Dawidoff male model

Roman Dawidoff male model

Roman Dawidoff male model

Roman Dawidoff male model



28 thoughts on “Manhunt Daily Wood: Roman Dawidoff

  1. He is incredibly gorgeous, but just as gorgeous is his brother Kirill. Search the web and you will find pics with both together. Beyond incredible!!

  2. Kirel is his cousin , not his brother. and actually two of the pics above are Kirel. As for the question of peis, Roman has been very careful not to show that, although i did find one pic, but not sure if it was photoshopped. However Kirel has shown it all online!

  3. Normally, Dewitt, I just skim through these post so I can hit the link at the bottom to get to the next. And even though this guy could use a nice dusting of body hair, OMG. Also, I googled Kirill….wow. I’ll take one of each, please!

  4. This kind of physique is a turn off and shouldn’t be desirable by us queers. Its the product of protein powder, a gym membership, and too much time that ultimately renders any personality or soul empty. His proportions look strange and heavy. Nice facial bone structure but dead behind the eyes. The body is transient and this is too unnatural to be desirable. Next

  5. You do realize that these images are taken immediately after a workout and strict diet and water balancing, don’t you? Would you prefer pictures of men with bodies formed by fruit loops and lots of hours sitting in front of the TV? Maybe that is the type of “natural” body and “personality or soul” that would be less intimidating to you.

  6. lol. no way, but he needs to take it easy with that much mass. sure, it might impress other guys at the gym, but it has no sex appeal. I mean, the guy has cankles.

  7. OOF, I was wondering why this name seemed so familiar! We’ve written about Kirill in the past, I think.

    I caught one of the Kirill pictures above. What’s the other one?

  8. Absolutely stunning face, both he and his cousin are gorgeous – but I agree he’s a little too heavy on the hair removal. In regards to the muscles – I dunno. There are no clothed photos to see how he wears a suit or a shirt that isn’t completely wet and see-through. That’s when you can see if it’s too much muscle – when regular clothes look or fit poorly.

  9. As soon as I see the word ‘Circuit Parties’ I think of American’s lame attempts to do a European style dance party, except they’re full of crystal meth, diseased people, rampant unsafe sex, AIDS and a 99% human trainwreck contingent, listening to really bad faggy, cliched, gay house music. Circuit Partygoers tastes in everything from music to fashion to drugs would be so far up their asses, if those asses hadn’t prolapsed from all the drug-fucked abuse they get. Put your hands in the air (if you can, and your rosebud ex-asshole won’t fall out while you’re doing it). Scary.

  10. Roman as well as Kirill are two stunning guys, both very handsome with a great physique. It obviously runs in the family even though is has been gained by hard training at the gym. Nothing wrong with that though. The male body can be so much defined by working out. True Kirill showed ALL on line, Roman is hard to find…I would to see him in full glory!

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