I’m Reporting Adam Ramzi to the IRS

And I don’t think “Tax Revenue
Services” is even a real thing!


Much like most interactions with the IRS, Taxman doesn’t seem to end. This chapter involves another home office inspection, this time made by “Tax Revenue Services” “Officer” Adam Ramzi. He’s here to inspect the home office of Nick Prescott, whose job seems to just be masturbating to Titan scenes (call me Nick! That’s basically my job too! We should talk shop!).  Adam points out that “most offices don’t have a bed in them,” which seems very subjective, but I guess this is shot in California where real estate is infinite and inexpensive and you should have separate rooms for things. Here in New York, my living room has a bed in it (although I do have a separate office which does not), though I think I’m still safe claiming my own home office deduction.

If the government ever does try to come for me though, I certainly pray they send Adam Ramzi to “inspect.” Cause I will ‘inspect’ the shit outta this fucker:



That was a really long preview! Wow. Titan’s getting so generous these days.

I’ve got a hardcore Behind the Scenes post about this queued up too, so expect that later. Until then, did we all know about Adam Ramzi’s Top Shelf Penis? Because I was not aware it was quite as perfect as it is:


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This penis should have featured more heavily in this Manhunt commercial. That seems like a miss on our part.


You can watch everybody get their taxes done here.


– tyler


2 thoughts on “I’m Reporting Adam Ramzi to the IRS

  1. Adam Ramzi is hot as hell…..nothing wrong with Nick either but Adam. He could audit my taxes anyday!!

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