19 thoughts on “Dumb Bitch

  1. Well, clearly she’s losing friends by the minute. “Here, hold my sign. There’s a cute guy over there and I wanna get his number.” “Here, hold my sign. This whole ‘hate the sin’ thing is SO 80s.” “Here, hold my sign. I’ve come to realize you’re crazy.”

  2. you know what, i think shes right, america is doomed, especial with all these insane fools running for the Republican nominations

  3. I think “DUMB BITCH” really captures it, and its all she deserves as far as vitriolic rants goes. I have far more… I can’t think of a word that doesn’t sound dismissive…. things to do.

    Lets face it, these vile rodents don’t deserve the respect of us wasting time trying to come up with skanky things to say about them because everybody already thinks them

  4. It will be interesting when we all have to account to our maker, no matter what you believe, will he or she really say to those who did things in his or her name,”Thank you for making me out to be such an unforgiving God…Thank you for being so misguided that you should act in my name and not your own….Maybe we should be more accountable for our actions and not for Gods…..Wow, what a concept…..

  5. 1 John 5:3 states that the love of God is the keeping of the Commandments. So that “You hate God” implies that ‘you’ are breaking a Commandment. The only Commandment you might get away with suggesting a homosexual breaks is coveting his neighbor’s manservant. Not only is she an idiot, she’s a stupid idiot.

  6. I feel so sad for people who use religion to show their own prejudice.  Don’t they realize that they, in fact, are sending their own soul to Hell. I   possibly could be there as well, but not  due to prejudice – I  accept everyone I  know  for their honesty, respect, and treatment of their fellow man or woman no matter who they are or what their beliefs are.   Why in the Hell is the Bible used to justify people’s prejudices and idiocy!!!      The God  that I  believe in loves all of us.

  7. that filthy rag must be one that needs gay men to find a real man just the way she stands there she needs that pole shoved up her filthy fish hole

  8. Dear dejected Fag Hag,
                                                        I did not say that !


  9. she says “It’s not gay! my boyfriend watches it all the time! And he is super straight! And we are saving ourselves for marriage… and our first kiss. Why are you laughing? stop laughing!”

  10. that bitch looks like she had to many kids and oh wait…shes where a glee shirt, it was my understanding that gays and lesbians watched that show, looks like someones hiding in the closet

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