Caption This: Staring At The Phone

There was some hesitation about using this picture after last weekend’s “Hot Military Guy” scandal (which was shockingly popular for being so horribly offensive). In the end, it came down to this—there’s nothing to see in this picture except what you see. It’s open-ended. Thereby, it makes for a perfect addition to the Caption This series.

If you’re up for the challenge, leave a comment with your wittiest (or sexiest) caption for this image. We’ll sift through the entries for the best of the bunch and post the winner in next week’s post. Think you have what it takes? Prove it, you cocky motherfucker!

For those of you who aren’t coming up with anything good, we encourage you to click through, check out the current submissions and show some support by “liking” another reader’s caption. Who knows? It might influence our final decision.

– Dewitt

Photo via: kenneth in the (212)

Click through for last week’s winning caption:

We’ll admit we didn’t read EVERY response, but DC ‘Mo stood out.

45 thoughts on “Caption This: Staring At The Phone

  1. well damn…I thought I had a good one…”Less filling…My Ass!!!” better luck to me next time lol

  2. “Here’s my 
    Fiancé  and our daughter, they are what I fight for, and with God’s blessing I will go Home to.”

  3. good ALL of our faces are in the video, did not want any naked stud feeling left out, think it will be a HIT on x-tube???????

  4. From left to right: 1- Dude! I want it like that, yeahhh. 2- Yep, We’re gonna need some lube. 3- Oh no! I think it’s gonna hurt. 4- Mmm I’ll be the top.

  5. Even Angelina Jolie’s leg looks sexy when you’ve been out of the country for 18 months!

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